The MBSE to Datalakes and MachineLearning (MKBSE2DL) project is an activity for ESA’s OSIP initiative. ScopeSET, together with 3DSE and TUM successfully proposed a novel idea to combine ModelBased SystemsEngineering and Telemetry data artifacts in a BigData capable DataLake.
As demonstrator, the „Integrated MBSE Analytics Platform“ (IMAP) with the following key functions has been developed:
- Transform MBSE models, simulation-, AIT-and telemetry-data into a semantic DataLake
- Connect data paths of the MBSE model with non-MBSE data to simplify the understanding of anomalies
- Enable graph-enhanced queries for troubleshooting
- Employ Machine Learning to find points of interest in measurement data
- Provide efficient web-based access to data and analysis results
- Grafana integration
=> ESA MBSE 2022 Workshop presentation slides