MBSE models are used and will be used extensively in space systems engineering throughout the development lifecycle. The novelty proposed by IMAP is the holistic role of systems engineering models, as well as their continuous integration with test and operations activities, which lead to the full exploitation of data for efficient and effective identification, analysis and solution of problems.
After learning about the IMAP tool with the MBSE2DL system, we are certain that it would be highly beneficial in the development and operation of our satellites. By directly coupling a SysML model with telemetry data, existing SysML models are enhanced and put at the forefront of development. The automatic analysis and the display of which systems are affected by an identified anomaly in the SysML model have the potential to significantly enhance and speed up problem discovery and resolution. Both the development and operation of satellites would greatly benefit from this. Furthermore, the tool uses well-known technologies such as Python with JupyterLab and Grafana. This makes it easier to get started with the tool.
… after an internal presentation of the MBSE2DL system, we hereby express our interest in the technology. The fast and clear failure analysis, as well as the possibility to automatically generate analyses and graphs for reports from the DataLake, are technologies with which we recognise a considerable added value for our satellite development. We see huge potential in machine-learning based telemetry analysis for the mission operations of our future satellite constellations.
… in our experience, SMEs in particular find it difficult to implement systems engineering holistically. This is due on the one hand to the extensive methodology, and on the other hand to the fact that people are often involved in projects in multiple roles. In the field of medical device development, we often have teams of < 15 people. We see the potential of the IMAP solution in the fact that a system expert can create the test cases and train the ML-system for approval-relevant test scenarios. The highly qualified person can then take on other tasks and only provide support in the event of an anomaly, then also with direct reference to the system model.
… many of our customers use (MBSE) system models extensively in the early phases of complex system developments, for example in naval shipbuilding and automotive engineering. However, there is often a gap in the use of models, which is due to time, organisational, but also competence-related reasons. A solution like IMAP can become a valuable building block in the E2E tool landscape. In addition, we see the opportunity that such a tool could both strengthen the end-to-end SE idea and enable the desire of many customers to shorten and agilise projects.